Tuesday, 7 May 2013

pain & gain - Pumped Up and Hugely Entertaining

                                         Pain & Gain (2013) Poster
director-michael bay
cast - dwayne johnson ,mark wahlberg
genre- comedy ,action , crime
release date -26 april , 2013
plot summary -A trio of bodybuilders in Florida get caught up in an extortion ring and a kidnapping scheme that goes terribly wrong
my rating - 6.5/10

my review -
This movie was near perfect to me, and let me explain why: The actors portraying the three (can you call them) anti hero's incredibly well. I don't quite know how accurate they were in comparison to the real criminals but as standalone characters they were pitch perfect (even the Rock, who may have actually stolen the show for me).

Tony Shaloub is no actor to be laughed at, he played such an interesting 3 dimensional yet despicable character that forced me to try to come to terms with how I felt with him being the victim.

And what really made the movie for me was the phenomenal writing and directing combination, there were intensely serious moments surrounded by the blackest of black comedy, something that shouldn't have worked, but it did!

My only problem with the flick is that it IS a true story. From what I've heard it's not even based on a true story, it's just a sensationalized docudrama with added humour... Christ (re read this after you see the movie and then you'll find it funny... I hope)

TL;DR VERSION Not for kids; great movie with great casting, writing, direction, cinematography etc.; But it loses a point for taken such a sad, serious story and making it painfully funny.

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